Macklind Movie Night (June)


June Film: Jurassic Park (PG-13)

The Macklind Business District presents Macklind Movie Night, a FREE event series where we’re using The Southampton Church theater to show films “the second Saturday of every month”. For the month of June we’ll be showing Jurassic Park (PG-13). Doors open at 6pm and will feature courtesy catering from Russell’s on Macklind on a first come-first serve basis. There will be food, snacks, drinks, prizes, and door raffles immediately following the film. Donations, which will be graciously accepted, will be put towards our neighborhood Macklind Days event as well as future Macklind Business District plans for the neighborhood.

So come out and enjoy this great Southampton neighborhood event!


Macklind Days (2016)


Macklind Movie Night (April)